
Blue Beetle Takes Out Pink Barbie | Weekend of August 18th, 2023

The Blue Beetle bested the pink-loving Barbie after Barbie impressively dominated the box office for nearly five weeks!
The People Platform
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The pink heroine was finally bested by a blue bug!

The weekend of August 18th saw a new hue taking the top spot on our ranker. The Blue Beetle bested the pink-loving Barbie after Barbie impressively dominated the box office for nearly five weeks!

Barbenheimer fell back into its original order relative to one another with Barbie in second and Oppenheimer right below.

It's important to note that Barbie still maintained an 18% hold on tickets sold even in its fifth weekend! The blockbuster continues to rain pink onto the public.

Another premiering film, Strays, took our number four spot, tying Oppenheimer and TMNT for percent tickets sold. Each film in our bottom three was quite close in actual number of ticket sales!

Stay tuned for next week’s cinema ranker and follow us on LinkedIn to stay up to date with the cinema industry.

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